Quality Dumpsters & Cleanup

Since 1986

Dumpster Dimensions

Get the right dumpster for any job at hand

 Whether you’re facing a big job or a small job, you’ll find the right dumpster at A-1 Hauling Inc. If you don’t know what you need, contact us and we’ll apply our 30 years in the business toward delivering the right unit to you.
  • 10-yard dumpsters are 16 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 30 inches deep with a 41-inch loading height

  • 15-yard dumpsters are 18 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 36 inches deep with a 47-inch loading height

  • 20-yard dumpsters are 18 feet long, 8 feet wide, and 48 inches deep with a 59-inch loading height

Walk-in access available

Got large items to dispose of and don’t want to lift them up and over the side? No problem!

All of our dumpsters have rear doors you can open, as well as an 11-inch step, so you can walk in and easily place your bigger pieces right inside the unit.


Ask about our 5% discount for veterans. Emergency service is available.

Call Now for Your FREE Estimate.
